

As I clicked on the orange symbol to write a post, it somehow felt foreign to me. I guess that's what happens when you don't blog as much anymore. Why have I stopped blogging? Some easy reasons to state are laziness and lack of motivation. It's not that I don't enjoy blogging anymore, I guess I was a little bored by it.

Now I have a reason I won't be blogging for a little while longer. I'm moving! There's a lot of work that needs to be done so I will be trying to juggle normal routine with packing, renovating, etc., and I'll have to put this off for a little longer. 

I just wanted to give my readers and blogger friends an update. I hope all of you are well and please take note I still lurk on blogger (it's one of my top five most frequented sites) and read many, if not all of your posts. Once the dust has settled and I'm all nestled into my new home, I should be back. 

Wish me and beau luck! It's a new chapter in our life.

We'll be like these otters drifting together to our new home. =)

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